If I am missing anything, please feel free to tell me, and remember you can comment/ask questions etc.
Stats needed(*)/recommended(^) (I'm not saying you can't do it if you don't have these skills, but it would be harder)
Health - 80+
Attack - 60+
Strength - 70+
Prayer* - 43+
Magic - 70 (82 recommended)
Ranged - 80+
Slayer^ - 55 (if not on ancients - not recommended)
Construction - 50 (Alter/ teleport to Canifis)
Quests needed
- Priests in Peril
- Nature Spirit
Inventory, I recommend: 2 prayer potions, a ranging potion, super attack potion/ super strength (not needed at high attack/strength) house teleport tabs, deaths, waters, chaos, bloods, (or slayer dart runes depending) a dragon dagger/melee weapon (i use claws), crossbow, AND A SPADE! - the rest should be food (monkfish or higher)
Equipment: Good mage attack bonus armour (i use ghostly robes), ancients staff/water staff, or slayer staff (please don't), Unholy book, regeneration bracelet (or addy gloves/black dragonhide vambraces), glory/fury amulet, climbing boots, broad/adamant bolts, ava's accumulator, and a ring of life (wealth does not increase loot).
Path to barrows: (approximately 2 minutes - run the whole way, and then ride the boat, because ghasts can ruin your food if they get you)
Locations of the brothers:
What I do is get them stuck behind the tomb, get as far away as i can, step out and cast ice blitz quickly on them so they get stuck quite far away from you. With Ice blitz you can cast it another 5 times without interruption, but make sure you get the delayed run to the next safe spot/side of the tomb and repeat.
Now, the method i use to kill the brothers is as follows:
1 - Kill kharil first, pot up if you brang them and use your dds/melee weapon (with attack and strength prayer if needed), and finish with range or mage (pray ranged against him)
2 - Ahrim - use range, drink a dose of ranging potion, and if your prayer is at 0 prayer potion, it's nice to have it at the start, but is not needed.
3 - Dharok - I would ancient him, keep melee prayer on if close, but if you wish to farcast him make sure to get the timing and the runs right before you take prayer off, he can hit very high.
4 - Guthan - With the remaining prayer pray melee for the start of the fight (before he hits) and farcast guthan around the tomb - as described above.
5 - Torag - Much of the same, no need to pray, but do not panic if he hits a 20, just ancient him as I described above.
6 - Verac - VERAC HITS THROUGH PRAYER! - so no need to pray at all, although he does hit less when praying, but since we are ancienting, just continue farcasting him like the previous 2.
Now, in that series, you should come accross a tunnel, do not enter untill you have killed the rest of the brothers, then return and enter it.
When you enter, you should come down a rope in one of the corner squares. Your goal is to get to the middle square. The lay out is a 3 by 3 grid system, with shortcuts around the sides. Like so:
Now it should be noted that only 1 door leads to the middle. And in that time the 6th brother might spawn. If he does, quickly pray whatever is needed (melee ranged or magic) and start maging them, or ranging (ahrim), or meleeing (kharil). There are safe spots in some of the passageways, but don't count on them. If the brother does not appear at any of the doors, then he will appear at the chest, do not search it until all brothers are killed.
NOTE: your prayer drains in the crypt and tombs, so be careful against dharok, keep your prayer above 19
When reaching your door (the one that has the option to open) to the middle, and you try to open it, you will be presented with 1 of 4 puzzles - randomised. -Learn them, its much faster.
Puzzles: click this link.
Once you have entered the treasure chamber, kill the last brother if needed, and collect your loot by searching the chest. Click your house teletab, or teleport to canifis with ancients, get your prayer by praying at your house, or at the temple, and bank in canifis.
Do not be discouraged if your first couple of loots are bad, usually they are, it's worth it in the long run.
Thanks and hope this helps
~Infra Blue~